Golden Gloves of America
Who we are
When, Where & How did it all begin?
Since the first Golden Gloves tournament in 1923, the Golden Gloves of America, Inc. and its member franchises have provided an opportunity and environment for young athletes to develop lifetime skills. Hundreds of dedicated administrators, coaches, trainers and counselors have unselfishly spent countless times and effort to assist young people in the development of personal character and athletic skills. The Golden Gloves program has led the way in promoting amateur boxing in the United States and has produced many competitors for America’s boxing teams in the Pan-Am and Olympic games.
“Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something deep down inside them- a desire, a dream, a vision.”
-Muhammad Ali

Golden Gloves of America, Inc.
- Abbey Smith
- Executive Director
- Bobby Russo
- President
- New England
- Steve Pelster
- Vice President
- Omaha
- Dan Doyle
- Secretary
- New Jersey
- Larry Fulmer
- Treasurer, Parliamentarian
- Rocky Mountain
- Kim Bao
- Public Relations
- Dave Packer
- Immediate Past President
- Michigan
- Jeanne DePriest
- Chief of Officials, NOGGOA President
- Colorado - New Mexico
Golden Gloves Of America, Inc.
Board of Directors
- Dave Godber
- South East
- Monica Basan
- St. Louis
- Dr. Glenn Bynum
- Chicago
- Ansel Stewart
- Detroit
- Bob Magruder
- Washington D.C.
- Charlie Hanshaw
- Tri-State
- Keith Boggs
- Indiana
- Lou Martinez
- Florida
- Don Patterson
- Buffalo
Isaiah Abalan - Upper Mid-West
Demario Smith - Southeast
Kate Zehr - New England
Xavier Correa - New Jersey
Brianna Gulia - Chicago
Jill Vanzino - New Jersey
McKenzie Stewart - Iowa
Golden Gloves Of America, Inc.
Other Affiliates
- Junior Golden Gloves
- Coming soon
- World Golden Gloves
- Coming soon
- National Organization of Golden Gloves Officials of America
Golden Gloves of America
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Golden Gloves of America, Inc. “to provide an activity and safe environment that promotes and enhances the physical and emotional well-being and social development of young athletes; develops individual athletic skills, work ethic, discipline, sportsmanship, self-respect and pride; and provides entertainment to citizens of the community”.
In seeking to fulfill its mission, the Golden Gloves of America, Inc. has thirty franchises which sponsor hundreds of programs competing in local and regional tournaments throughout the United States and in a National Tournament of Champions each year.
While the mission of Golden Gloves of America has evolved to both male and female boxers, at its core is still the main ingredient: to provide opportunities that build character, self-respect and lasting leadership skills.
Opportunity and Environment